
Kempka, T., Otto, C., Chabab, E., Ernst, P., Schnepper, T., Kapusta, K., Basa, W., Strugała-Wilczek, A., Markowska, M., Kruczek, M., Pyrgaki, K., Krassakis, P., Karavias, A., Zygouri, E., Koukouzas, N., Roumpos, C., Louloudis, G., Mertiri, E., Najgebauer, D., Orkiz, D., Darmosz, J., Chałupka, R., Węgrzyn, G., Fernandez-Steeger, T. M., Pahlowan, E. U., Braun, A., Siebert, M., Schumann F. (2024): Best-practice guidelines on Hybrid Pumped HydropowerHybrid Pumped Hydropower Storage of excess energy inStorage of excess energy in open-pit lignite minesopen-pit lignite min.

Best-practice guidelines

Krassakis, P., Karavias, A., Zygouri, E., Roumpos, C., Louloudis, G., Pyrgaki, K., Koukouzas, N., and Kempka, T. (2024): An integrated GIS-based approach to support the implementation of Hybrid Pumped Hydro Storage in the abandoned Kardia open-pit lignite mine, Western Greece EGU General Assembly 2024. EGU24-3947.

Schnepper, T., Kühn, M., Kempka, T. (2024): Pumped hydropower storage operation in open-pit lignite mines does not compromise the pit lake and groundwater chemistry. EGU General Assembly 2024. EGU24-3947.

Pahlowan, E. U., Braun, A., Fernandez-Steeger, T. M. (2024): Stability of abandoned pit slopes - how groundwater and lake water control may support safety while flooding. EGU General Assembly 2024. EGU24-17781.

Kruczek, M., Kapusta, K., Kempka, T., Ernst, P., Koukouzas, N., Darmosz, J., Roumpos, C., Fernandez-Steeger, T. M., and the ATLANTIS project partners (2024): Analysis of socio-economic footprint for hybrid pumped hydropower storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines. EGU General Assembly 2024. EGU24-18817.

Otto, C., Ernst, P., Roumpos, C., Louloudis, G., Mertiri, E., Kempka, T. (2024): Economics of hybrid pumped hydropower storage in open-pit coal mines: a case study for the Greek energy market. EGU General Assembly 2024. EGU24-10643.

Ernst, P. and Kempka, T. (2024): Pumped hydropower storage in open-pit mines can provide substantial contributions to the EU energy transition – a case study for Germany. EGU General Assembly 2024. EGU24-16405.

Kempka, T., Ernst, P., Kapusta, K., Koukouzas, N., Darmosz, J., Roumpos, C., Fernandez-Steeger, T. M., and the ATLANTIS project partners (2024): An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped hydropower storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines. EGU General Assembly 2024. EGU24-14751.

Schnepper, T., Kühn, M., Kempka, T. (2023): Hydrogeochemical impacts of pumped hydropower storage in open-
pit lignite mines. EGU General Assembly 2023. EGU23-8226.

Krassakis, P., Karavias, A., Zygouri, E., Roumpos, C., Louloudis, G., Pyrgaki, K., Koukouzas, N., Kempka, T., Karapanos, D. (2023): GIS-Based Assessment of Hybrid Pumped Hydro Storage as a Potential Solution for the Clean Energy Transition: The Case of the Kardia Lignite Mine, Western Greece. Sensors, 23, 2, 593.